I made myself another "post-pregnancy" skirt!

And a nursing sun top, with the same system as the sailorette dress,  to go along.

Although, I actually fucked up quite a bit - I was in a hurry (you know, had to get it done before some little person next to me decided to wake up and call on titty time) and just cut the pieces without any real measuring. So of course the top got real tight and ended up showin snippets of the bra.
So I guess I just have to redo it.

Also, did some strange mis-calculations with the skirt which did not really become that much of a post-pregnancy skirt, no elastic waist, as it got too small to fit over my arse hip. And instead of putting a zipper in I did a lot of weird stuff and additions to be able to wear it.

But oh well, that's the way it is sometimes. You can't always win now can you.
But at least my skirt has pockets, you know, making things a little better.

Furthermore, it suddenly got real cold today so I might not need a sun top anymore.

Not sure weather that should be counted as positive or negative thinking?

(If interested, my belt is Vivien of Holloway, bangle vintage, the shoes very very old and my hair is, well yes thank you, fabulous - but only half of it my own.)


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