I've been wearing a lot of sixties styled dresses lately. That's because they are cut in a way to fit my belly. 

I don't have an urge to absolutely have to dress according to a decade from the past, and now that a fifties waist is out of the question it's not like I have to jump on to the next vintage period available. No, of course not. (My sister said, when I in the beginning of pregnancy said there seemed to be quite little interesting maternity wear out there, "maybe now you can dress like normal people for a while". Hehe.) So, I don't feel obliged to dress in a certain way; that would be ridiculous. But I like to play around with different styles and be inspired by the aesthetics of those times I find inspiring. And now with the belly it's been a lot of the sixties!

This dress however is new. From Marimekko. It's meant to be worn all buttoned up, but that's way too hipster for me. It makes me feel a bit like a Moomin character! Which is a fun change. Who wouldn't want to be one, at least every once in a while?

It's also funny how normal I can look from the back and front, but enormous from the side!
Btw apparently most of my extra kilos (which are something closer to 15 right now. Quite much, even though I haven't been eating any more than usual at all, and I eat rather healthy by default. So the kilos don't bother me, due to that.) have gone to my legs! I noticed that some time ago in the mirror... Hope I can make them go away from there later then too...

But anyway, back to the look: I like to do over stylized sixties inspired make up and hair styles, although they have only been for special occasions, like shooting or parties. The same goes for today; the reason for my look was not just playing around; we shot a promo video for our jazz project that will happen next winter. (You may remember the one that we took promo shots from earlier this year.)

The beehive is done by rolling a big wig (that happens to be just the same as my own colour) into a bun on the top of my head, securing it with a hairnet and pins. You've heard the same story before. The same can be done with clip-on extensions, or if your hair si long enough, by back combing your own hair and using tulle, extensions or bump-its and a rat to fill it up. I say go for the extra hair though.

By making this a bit more subtle it would make a nice every day look - using a slightly smaller piece of hair for a less huge bun, going a little easier on the make up; the lines a little thinner, the black a little less strong. (For the look, in addition to eye liner, draw a line above the socket of your eye and one line under your lower lashes. And a whole lot more, but that's the basic.) I'm on the look-out for a nice attachable ponytail that could be used for smaller versions of up do's like this, but it's hard to get the right shade and know about the quality of the locks when shopping online.

If interested, my dress (or, tunic)  is this season's Marimekko, kitten heels from a local shoe store and both eye shadow and lipstick from Lime Crime (called "Troubadour" and "Great pink planet").


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