I've gone bazookas over the thought of renovating and decorating our house in the countryside. I just keep thinking about it all the time; kitchen, tiles, wallpaper, furniture. I'm the kind of person who want's certain (note - certain only, as some things may linger on forever...) things done immediately. and I'm very inpatient when it comes to renovating as everything takes such a long time; orders, deliveries, finding the craftsmen, getting it done.
So in the meantime, while waiting to actually be able to start,  I've just been pre-decorating the house isntead; buying a lot of old furniture.

I discovered the online sites of some auction houses,  like Bukowsiks Market, and now I have this urge to check back daily for new additions ( I should propably try to ban that site on my computer, it gets very dangerous. And expensive. The house is only so big,  I can't try to get every nice antique sofa I see to fit there...) . Bear in mind that if you win a bidding on the site you have to pay a 22 percent commission to Bukowskis, so the price can get pretty high in the end.

Well, among some other things I've snapped up a couple of old lamps from there. As said, our house is large but there were surprisingly little lights in there; I've had -and still have- a lot of corners to fill.

The first one I got as quite the bargain (considering from where I bought it, not complarable to flea market finds of course...); I paid a bit over 40 euros fo rit. It's a Chinese porcelain lamp from the late 19th century, although I the shade is from a few decades later.

And you know what? I've always wanted a three-arm floor lamp like this one! I just haven't been able to spot one anywhere over here before.

I ended up paying a ridiculously high price for this one as some wanker kept on rising the maximum bid, but I got it, it's mine now!


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