Hat- French Connection | turtleneck- Zara (old; similar here) | plaid cape- Urban Outfitters | ring- Michael Kors
In keeping with last week's winter-fuelled Wardrobe Wednesday, I thought I would pay further homage to one of my favourite cold-weather accessories: The hat. The eternal warmer-of-heads and disguiser-of-bad-hair-days (you know what I'm talking about), the hat is the most versatile and transformative accessory at your disposal— and don't you forget it. And by you, I really mean me, because I'm the worst for neglecting even my most beloved accessories (#hoarderproblems). But that's why I love both you AND this WW column — you guys keep me honest.
If you're looking for some good, winter appropriate hat options, I really love this Catarzi wool hatand this Brian Lichtenberg beanie (case in point)... Happy (Wardrobe) Wednesday, friends! xx
Photos by Sandy Joe Karpetz
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