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It's funny how as you get older, your attention shifts more and more towards home decor over the holidays. Call it a rite of passage, but I'm constantly finding myself gravitating towards cute decorations and entertaining necessities more than anything else this time of year. From gilded cocktail accessories and pops of plaid, to festive mugs and ornaments, I'm in it deep. So here's a look at some of the goodies I'm lusting over from Target — and believe me, it's a long list! I've already made those adorable fox wine accessories mine, but there's still eight glorious items to go... You know, in case Santa reads my blog or something.
Martini Shaker | Fox Wine Accessories | Plaid Tree Skirt | Stag Head | Serving Tray | Beer Mugs | Bar Cart | Ornaments | Coffee Press
This post was sponsored by Target Canada. All opinions shared are my own.
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