For the final installment of Homemade Holiday, I thought it would be fun to pamper loved ones with some rose-scented bath salts, a great add-on or hostess gift that you can whip up in a flash. Add some food colouring and essential oils to spice things up, or keep just it simple (what what) with some fragrant herbs. So if you want to give this DIY a try (rhyme not intended), here's what you'll need:
- 1 cup Epsom salts
- 1/2 cup sea salt
- Rosebuds (any herb will do)
- Jar
Mix both types of salt thoroughly in a large bowl. If you want to keep things simple and smelling oh-so good, simply add your rosebuds and call it a day. Otherwise, stir in a few drops of food colouring before adding your essential oils. Store the bath salts in a jar and adorn accordingly — it's as easy as that.
Thanks for following along my Homemade Holiday series, and if you would like to see more DIY projects like these around here, let me know in the comments below! xx
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