Um... what the hell is this? Axe Seduction Spot. Right beneath the f***ing crack-square of Helsinki? Sadly enough I didn't get a shot of the spot when one of the many alcoholilc subway station-hangarounds we have around here stood there scratching his more private parts. Seductive, indeed.
But seriously. What the hell is the point with that particular spot? Yeah yeah I get the thing with all women falling for the axe man. Sure the Axe-ads are a bit sexist, but since they've been made with some humor before I think they've been ok (as you can actually pull off pretty much with a little but of self-sarcasm and a lot of humor). I'm not too sure about these chocolate ads though. Ok, the girls look kind of hot yes but I'm not sure about all this face-smeared-with chocolate and at the same time saying that if you (you the man that is) will be as irresistble as choclate with the new Axe. Girls are just going to want to smear themselves with you, ehrm?
Ok, I'll let those printed ads be without further analyzing them but I just can't let the seduction spot go.
Last year Idols had a similar ad as in an "idols-spot" infront of a poster with the judges saying "go ahead". The point was pretty clear there and I thought that kind of interaction in street advertisement was rather brilliant. But this one...I mean what, do they have some axe-pheromones secretly sipping out from somewhere around this spot? Or are you just supposed to stand there being all seducted by the chicks in the ad infront of you? Should you wait there for someone to seduce you or what -should a guy stand there and wait for the bitches to come, or is it ment to be the other way around? Will the Axe customer service be overfolated with letter a couple of years from now with happy couples thanking axe for their seduciton spot "now we have a house and volvo and a baby and a golden retriver toghether and even get jiggy with it a couple of times a week since the man in the house smells so damn seductive still"?
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