Yestarday I did a lttle browsing around some secondhand stores (- totally unneccessary; my wardrobe is full of things already and need nothing new! Why does buying things give us such a good feeling goddamit!). Anyway, I came home with a nice checked 50's skirt and the knowledge of the fact that I need (ummm, ok, want is prpoably a better word) a small, fitted jacket, preferrably in tweed, and a matching skirt wouldn't be that bad either. This I realized after trying one such on, but unfortunately my boxing shoulders and the jacket didn't get along too well and I had to leave it behind, sniff sniff.
I can't belive I'm deraming of fitted tweed promenade suits and feeling autumn now that it's finnally summer. Must be because of all the rain lately...
-Oh yes and as usually the drawing will look nicer if you go on clicking it bigger so please do-
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