First I'll show the most simple way I do it and also the one that stays longest without falling apart. It's a retro inspired hairdo and a very simplified version of victory rolls, by using combs or clips, instead of rolls as in the true version.
I always fix my bangs/fringe first. Before I used to curl it by rolling it up on a small brushed curler/roll and let it stay in for some time, but now I always curl it with my straightener. First I curl the sides, then the middle. Done with the straightener my bangs lasts for the whole day without any hairspray!

Then i take the side section of the hair and twist it backwards and up. If you're not lazy like me you separate the section with a comb or so to get the parting straight.

Secure it with a comb or a hairclip. With combs you can puff the hair quite high. You might have to sleek the side with spray or a little wax. (In this pic I use a comb but in the later pics I've fastened my hair with a pair of black clips with small roses on).

Sometimes I just curl the ends of my hair and leave it loose like this .

Or then I roll it up int a simple knot and secure it with a few strong pins, or by pressing a big comb down in the middle.

You can do some variation to this by putting a big bow clip back, a flower to the side, or by fastening your hair with a hairnet...

Or just keep it simple as it is.

Ta-taa, hairdo number one. And it only took about three minutes to do it.

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