{Beauty} DIY Body Scrub With Coconut Milk

A DIY natural body scrub using coconut milk, honey and rolled oats
There are few things I enjoy more than a good beauty treatment, but when said treatment happens to be natural and made with items you probably already have kicking around the house, well, that just ups the ante. As much as I love stalking Sephora and scoping out new products to try, the satisfaction I get from mixing natural ingredients into a beauty-boosting concoction just can't be beat. After all, the average person is exposed to unbelievable amounts of chemicals each day from the products we use alone (think shampoo, toothpaste, lotions, and the list goes on), so I like to think of natural, DIY beauty treatments as my very own version of harm reduction. So if you're anything like me, you're going to want to try this one out, ASAP — take it from me!

A DIY natural body scrub using coconut milk, honey and rolled oats
Simply mix a cup of coconut milk with about a half cup of lightly ground rolled oats. Then stir in a table spoon of honey (use Manuka honey the for best results) and rub the paste all over your body the next time you're in the shower. The coconut milk and honey will help moisturize and nourish your dry winter skin, while the oats will help to gently slough off dead skin cells... basically, you gotta try this one, friends.

Thanks so much for reading, and be sure to let me know if you have any natural beauty tips or secrets of your own! xx


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