The combo of a black skirt and striped shirt is something I could return to forever and forever. Which I do, in different variations.Yesterday I spiced the usual set up with knitted red tights.

 And Dag was wearing his lederhosen t-shirt.

The word whimsical has always annoyed me a bit, but yesterday one could say I felt a bit so which made it a good day to remember to use those petticoats of mine. (Which is not that bad of an idea actually as they apart form making any big skirt better also help keep warm outside.)

Dag loves petticoats and fluff too.
But he on the other hand think they work best for chewing and drooling on.

Btw if someone wonders if I actually went out in the snow with those small suede vintage shoes the answer is of course no, they are just for inside use for the moment.

When going out it's winterboot- and knitted socks time already!

Which I try to avoid as much as possible! There's a blizzard outside and I have raw lime pie, pepermint tea and newly put-up Christmas lights at home. Cosy levels are up!

The skirt is from Vivien of Holloway, petticoat via BooBoo Kitty Coutore, the shoes vintage and Dag's lederhosen trompe l'oeil shirt was bought in Bavaria.


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