It's been a real deluge over here lately, with water pouring down like never before. For days. But bad weather does bring a little good with it too; we're getting some things at home off the 'to do'-list in the countryside house.
We changed the knobs on the ikea-drawer to porcelain ones. It's an easy way to update or personalize a piece of furniture.

I put bigger more decorative ones on the small drawers on top, and plain, smaller ones on the rest.
Halfway trough I noticed it would look pretty fun with different knobs on all levels, like here, but it wouldn't really suit the over-all style of the room so I changed them all the way trough. But perhaps somewhere else?
In the background you can see some traces of our other project...

... Which was putting wallpaper on the closet door. This wallpaper used to be on one of the walls in the room. I like it, but it did not really suit the room (the floor and the wood of the window, which would have needed to be painted in order to go along with the wallpaper), so after we painted it over I thought it'd be nice to still use it as a detail. I will put it inside the linen cabinet too, once we get one up here.
I also changed the knobs on the bedside tables to the same ones as in the drawer, for a unison feel in the bedroom.
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