From the series first world problems: don't you hate it when your scarf/headband/bandana slips off your head and you have to correct it all the time?
It actually gives me an headache, wearing something on my head (or a loose hair do) that needs to be constantly adjusted, concentrating and worrying about it sliding back. You know, as in an actual aching heda, maybe because I then tie it too tight, or make my head tense thinking about it. Or something.
But - I have a little trick to help a scarf stay put well. May not be anything new to many but I know it will help some of you out there:

Take your scarf and place the middle in your neck.

Make a knot in front of your forehead -

-and push back, it in place where you want it. Of course, this is when you want your hair pulled back. If you have a fringe, or if you made some sort of a roll or swirl in the front, just tie the knot in place on top of your head.

Now here's that little trick: place two bobbypins attaching the scarf to your hair, one from each direction, crossing each other.

Do the same on the other side. If you wish, you can also do one of these sets in the middle of your neck, or on each side below the ear. For me this is enough.

Pull the ends of the scarf back and tie in the neck.

Ta-da, done!
When I want a bigger knot on top of my head, or if I am sporting an up-do, I tie the scarf the other way around, as in starting and finishing off on top of my head. The cross-pinning works just the same.
When I wear a bandana; as in a square scarf folded first to a triangle and then slim, I wear the smooth side towards my face and the folded part towards my hair - that way I can stick pins in attaching one layer (the lowest one) of the scarf to my head, without the pins showing.
Not that it is the end of the world would the pins show. (But then again there would be less of a point with this post then. Zip-a-de-doo-dah.)
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