Now that the snow has melted, my feet feel anew with all the footwear options at their disposal... Oxfords? Of course! Slingbacks? Sure! Peep toes? Why not! And as far as material is concerned, canvas is leading the charge to my feet's heart — so to speak. That's why I couldn't resist these polka dot lovelies at Forever 21 last week. They're cute, comfy and seasonally appropriate... And even though they ever so slightly resemble clown bowling shoes, my feet and I are seriously smitten. xx
Wardrobe Wednesday...
Now that the snow has melted, my feet feel anew with all the footwear options at their disposal... Oxfords? Of course! Slingbacks? Sure! Peep toes? Why not! And as far as material is concerned, canvas is leading the charge to my feet's heart — so to speak. That's why I couldn't resist these polka dot lovelies at Forever 21 last week. They're cute, comfy and seasonally appropriate... And even though they ever so slightly resemble clown bowling shoes, my feet and I are seriously smitten. xx
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