Last weekend I was in Milan, as you know.

It was very warm and springy.
I had a huge dilemma with weather to bring my camera and lenses (as in fit it in my luggage for the plane) or not or just rely on my iPhone, as I still had an itch that I might not take that many pics.
Well, I took it with me. And I hardly took any pics in the end :P
Another thing I didn't do was buy shoes! Which is almost a crime considering al the nice heels there were to be found (the others bought several pairs, sniff. But I alwyas become so sensible abroad and seldom shop. Plus my feet were aching and all that blah. And I was betweem sizes. Sniff again).
But one thing I did do was eat a lot of gelato instead! Oh yes.

But we didn't head over there for sights or shopping; most of our time was spent at a theatre as we were there performing! I only snapped some pictures from the first night though, as I apparently like to drag my camera along in vain... Good thing there are others snapping great shots instead.
Skeletons in progress!
Btw those lashes in the pic are not for the upper lashes, nooooh, way too tiny! They go beneath the eye :)
Scary skeletons dressed in red after the first show.
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