Early in spring my old flat was photographed for a magazine, which came out the other day. It feels so nostalgic and sad to look at those pictures now that I've moved away! Don't get me wrong, I like it very well here at the new place, the surroundings that reminds me of my childhood (but strangely not of my teenage years, when I lived near to where I live now, and hated everything around here), the flat that is getting ready soon and the whole environment itself. But it differs a lot from how it was in the inner city and I miss my old neighborhood (although not the speed freaks and aggressive alcoholics around the corner or the fact that it was nearly impossible to find a parking space when coming home form the night shift...)
Anyway, from time to time I get the request to show some pictures from home and many where the ideas and many were the days and weeks and months that I planned to do such a post - but I never got it done in the old place. It seems I have not really been able to blog about home before I'm just about to move away (like the
last time I moved ) or after already doing so, like now -but here are the spreads that was shot from the previous place:

Pekka and Lulu made it into almost every picture. Very good posers.

I had an old window haning on my wall in the entrance but it did not fit the style of this flat so I'm going to put it up in Eddi's countryhouse when we start fixing it up over there, eventually.

MY old kitchen was so cute! (The new on however has
the Smeg so it beats all my older ktichens on all levels.)
I have some organizing to do at home here now but I might even be able to post some pictures soon of how the flat has turned out :)
The article about my old flat is in
Avotakka Magazine.
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