Went trough some old photos of my hair(-styles) during my years of blogging. In one way I have an itch to do something about my hair, just anything new, on the other hand I feel a bit surprised every time I actually let it -the hair- out of that damn beret I tuck it into all the time. It's gotten so long almost feels a bit "new".
Which I tucked up quite often too. (It's a good thing remembering that, that it was quite easy in the end to hide the bangs, as I'm still undecided about one more round of those.)
I was working my shade towards more platinum. That's when i still had lots of hair and did lots of hairdo's.

When I had had the ultimate platinum blonde shade for about a year and a half I had also lost about half my hair, some of the hair just broke off. I started growing my bangs away.
But I got myself a set of faux clip on bangs instead!
In spring 2010 I put some think pink stripes in my hair to achieve a cotton candy look.
But then it was time to end that era and get my hair to grow back! I went darker shade by shade a few rounds as the colour didn't want to stay on bleached hair that well.
And then I had my own color back, pretty much. Here with a rolled faux bangs and one row of extensions to fill out the gap of the lost hair.
And then it was time for the one thing I had never done before but had been feeling for some time: cut it short! This was late in summer 2011; I had all the damaged hair cut off and was left with my own, new hair to grow. My friend was cutting me at that time, she cut it in a sassoon halo cut which in some aspects resembles a middy.
My hair grew a little longer but I kept it short. I had always thought short hair to be easier but it was in fact not, for me at least - if i didn't do anything about it it looked quite awful. And pin curling it took more time because the curls had to be made smaller than I was used to in order for the hair to get around to curl. Phew. Here modelling for Fiona Timantti.
In certain light my hair gets rather red undertones. My hairdresser friend thought we'd try them a little stronger and gave me a light color treatment in a few shades warmer. It made my hair look rather red, but mostly in photos.
The clip on bangs ask are the transition from blond to darker to toffee and got the name "the rat" due to that as it looked like a sad little wet rat when taking on color in a bowl.
A little before I had Dag I cut my hair the shortest it had been. Which informatively enough was three months shorter than when this pic was taken.
And after that I've only been to the hairdresser once, which was almost a year ago. Time have been busy, I've just dealt with the ends myself certain late nights with the kitchen scissors in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to figure out how it will look in the back when slightly cut from the front.
And now my hair looks like this, well, which al of you know. Like I said in the beginning of the post, I feel I mostly wear it quickly tucked into my beret (and most often use hair pieces at shows, the shows are so frequent I can't make the effort to set it before each and every one and my hair also thanks me for that) so when I do take a look at it I am quite amazed at how much it has grown and how much there is of it nowadays again.
Even though the thought of going all cotton candy with the hair, or -why didn't I come up with the idea before!?- mint green, still would be lovely those days are gone now; I will stick to my own color for the sake of my scalp and hair. I don't want ot go trough the feeling when noticing some sections suddenly were 10cm shorter ...
So, I think the time has come to book an appointment with the hairdresser! At least for the sake of getting rid of a cm or two without trying to grow eyes in my neck to be able to do it.
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