This is an easy 'do that could be seen last week in my polka-dot skirt-post. It's quick way to do something about your locks if your hair is a bit untameable after a wild night out or due to yesterday's curls, like mine at the moment; extra dry and textured of heat and hairpsray from a photoshoot the day before.
If you start from scratch you might like to curl your hair first to make it more easy to work with. It's easy to roll and secure your hair around a stick (I use the same decorated, glossy chop stick you've seen before; a life saver) and it can give you a sligthly exotic look if you so wish, especially combined with a flower.
So, here's how you do it:
If that was a bit too fast (and epilectic) for you, we can give it a closer look:
(Bare with me and the computer photos as it is an easier, although a perhaps less aesthetic way to do this -who knows, maybe I even at some point will give it a go at a video tutorial. Oh my.)
Well - first, brush out the hair, it doesn't matter if it gets real frizzy.

You can also leave it like this (it will look like this do then) but if your really doing it the "day after" you most likely want to continue.

To finnish the look of, add a huge flower, and spray if needed.
Then, go out and look great!
(PS. Prefecta tells me she has a giveaway where you can win a fat free cream cake with a puppy that never needs walking or the latest issue of Lula! Go to the giveaway here :)
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