I was almost scared off tie-dye for life when, aged eleven, I was laughed at in a newsagents by a pair of spotty youths in full camo gear for wearing a home-made pink die-tye t-shirt. However, undeterred I am once again loving the two-tone wonder that is tie-dye. There are some amazing, and very chic, tie-dye pieces around at the moment which are perfect with a biker jacket and gladiators for spring in the city, or low-key with a tan at the beach.
From top to bottom: 1)leggings, www.americanapparel.net, 2) Dress, Insight at www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk , 3)Dress, Helmut Lang, www.net-a-porter.com , 4) Maxi Dress, James Perse, www.net-a-porter.com.
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