If you feel a a bit down there's no help hiding under black scarves and sunglasses (or staying in bed). It's much better to dress up bright and funny instead! So I went all bubblegum girl. (it's the dotted cardigan. It always give me the candy-vibe. And the mint green). Well then this bubblegum bowhead went to a gig to get cheered up a little bit!

From one thing to the third, I recently stumbled upon my old fringe bag during a (unsuccessful) attempt to clean my closet. I remember coveting this bag for a whole year a long time ago. I used to go to Stockholm quite frequently before, and saw this bag there, far too costy for me. But whenever I went back I had to go and check on it, to see if it was still there and perhaps on sale. But it took me two season sales and some eleven months before I finally bought it! (I still regret not buying another green big leather bag I saw a year later. Gnaah).
Anyway, I'm not really much of fringe girl so I'm tempted to cut them off. But would that make me a total retard to do so?
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