Decent Exposure

Sometimes a silk shirt can just feel a bit stuffy.  It's like prim is ingrained in its DNA; that collar naturally wants to close up and button up. Anyhow, I find un-doing just one button too many changes the whole vibe into something more relaxed and less refined. This two-toned Sea NY shirt has that bowling-alley kind of 70s feel that detracts even more from the flashes of black bra too. I guess the addition of baggier-than boyfriend jeans help with that too. 
 Plus, if like me you can get away with never really going near a wire in the bra department, creating an extra deep V can be both flattering and a way to show off those pretty lace triangles we all love to pin (just added this one to the collection). As long as you keep the shirt loose (and the cleavage factor to a minimum as a result), a little bit of decent exposure can go a long way.

Shirt | Sea NY
Jeans | Zara (shop similar below)
Shoes | Zara (shop similar below)
Jacket | HnM (shop similar below)
Necklace | Orelia


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