When Dag got his name he was wearing the same frock Eddi and his family has received theirs in. The tradition is also to embroider the name of the new family member into the frock. A very nice tradition yes, although the embroidery part has given me a wrinkle or two between he eyes. Not my favorite thing to do, as I hate to have to be so precise.  Which is something that works fine for me when drawing on the computer, but less fine with anything by hand. Although, I did do some nice butterflies in different coloured yarn with pearl applications on some of my dresses and pockets back in the days when I was 17 and an art school hippie girl. But that was then and back then was a long time ago.

Quite suitably, I received a present - an embroidery inspiration book by Karin, crafting glady extraodinaire. I remember visiting her blog earlier and being impressed by her cute and pretty embroderies applied to all sorts of things. "SmÃ¥ och Stora Broderier" is her second book, and as the name says, it consists of ideas and how-to's for both small and bigger embroideries.
This was sent as a personal gift to me but I was later contacted by her publisher with a copy and asked to review it.

 (Bonus baby feet)

 The book features decorating traditionals items like cushions as well as more modern and funny items too.

 If you do not want to draw the patterns yourself everything featured in the book is available for copying.

And also explanation to how the stitching is done. (See, this is what I need! I only ever knew how to make those loop-stitches. And had sort of forgotten about them too. Not that this will help me get those name letters any more precise or neat, but at least now I have more ways to try out now:).

I mainly thought the book would be enjoyable from an aesthetic point of view for me with nice pictures and so (which it is and it has, with a clean and pretty layout) but it actually made me want to try and do some embroidery too...that also is one of the ideas of the book; to serve as ideas and inspiration both for those who have never touched a needle and a thread, and those who already know their way around decorating items with those, but mostly to awake the lust to start doing something with your hands.

So, to share the joy I have another copy to give away for one of you!
I will ship the book anywhere to whoever wins, but note that the book is in Swedish, being of most use for Scandinavians. However, the pictures and instructional drawings also take you quite a long way even if you would not understand the text.

To enter, it's the usual : leave me a comment on this post. (You don't have to be a follower of this blog, but then again, isn't it a little, well, embarrassing just wandering around the internet participating in giveaways?) I will draw the winner randomly so please leave me only one comment. Really, one. It will screw things up otherwise. And, make sure you are reachable to me trough that comment, as in trough a blog or (working!) link, contactable profile and so on, or leave me your email. 
If you share this you can get another entry by commenting again and leaving me the link to your post.

You can enter until next Tuesday; September 18! I will draw the winner shortly thereafter.


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