Jewelled sweatshirt + trousers c/o French Connection | heels- ShoeMint | Scout floral crossbody- 3.1 Phillip Lim (love this version) | pearl bracelet- Forever 21
Well friends, no matter how you cut it, all things bejewelled are back and in a big way. Now that doesn't necessarily mean that fashion-philes the world over are dusting off their trusty Bedazzlers from childhood (although props to you if you are!), but more and more items are popping up with these eye-catching embellishments. As a serious 80's child, I couldn't resist putting together a theme week dedicated to the trend, so please bare with me as we embark on an entire week (squeel!) dedicated to all things bejewelled.
First up — the sweatshirt. Already a mega-trend this year (remember this post?), it's only natural that sparkly jewels should find their way onto these hyped-up items as well. And naturally yours truly is all about it... what a sucker.
Join me for a week of bedazzled goodness, including subtle ways to incorporate the trend into your look (yes, surprisingly I'm capable of that) and a super easy DIY that you just have to try! xx
Photos by Andrew Tarver
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