At this point of the year I always get the urge to plant around - also before I had a garden - put seeds here and there and fix up the lucky plants that have made it trough the winter with me. For a while forget that my nails are more red than my thumbs are green. Not that I am totally impossible with plants (I guess I have learned something along the way) but mainly I don't really know what I'm doing, not that much more than what a google search can give me after briefly remembering something inspiring read in a magazine, sort of.
I've mad a few day trips to the countryside managing the greens there.
Meanwhile Dag was chilling in his leder hoser trompe l'oeil outfit. It deserved a photo before he outgrows it.
I almost got some stuff done outside too (here's the part where I just go on and do something dum-dee-dum
But most of the time I was running after this one here, digging dirt and rocks and what nots out of his mouth.
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