I don't know what it is about this time of year, but I always seem to revert back to eight-year-old Vickie in both mind and dress. Alarming maybe, but let's just chalk it up to the holiday season. Take this outfit for instance; I'm pretty sure I look like a kid who's watched too much Madeline, am I right? The barrett and school girl-inspired gettup aren't helping matters, but what can I say, these things happen. Now all I need is hot cocoa and day 19 of my chocolate advent calendar, and I'm good to go.
PS- Notice the atypical laughing photo at the end? That's because some random dude decided to photo-bomb me... How could I not include that?
Outfit details: dress c/o Dahlia; blouse- Forever 21; beret- Simons; bracelet- The Bay; watch- Michael Kors; ring- vintage; necklace- Forever 21
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