I just can't believe it's mid-Nove,ber already! When did this year go by? Again?
I just realized today it's even starting to be alright to wish for snow, which I kind of do and kind of don't, or at least to expect it (you know, when it does come it will stay aroudn for months).
It feels colder day by day and I've taken my warmer jackets back to use.
I have no idea what to put on my feet though, as all my 'cold-weather shoes' are rather worn out. I have however re-discovered these old boots of mine form years back, as I dug the out of the closet to use at the Mexican themed party at Halloween. One of those shoes with a rather high heel that you still can walk around comfortably for hours in. But these are not of much use for when the snow comes around... what then my friends, what then.
The wool skirt if made for me a few years ago by Olivia Rouge and the jacket is from Mod Cloth.
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