At the end of the month The Itty-Bitty Tease Cabaret will head over to Tampere for an ordinary night of decadence; the fifth edition of Burlesque Cocktail! Or well, part of us will - it is still too early in baby life for me to travel to another town to perform...
The event will take pace at YO-talo as usual, August 31, featuring the crème de la crème of Finnish burlesque and hosted by "the moistess hostess in the world", Lamey Crackhouse. There's of course not en endless amount of tickets available , so get yours in time if you want in.
Or - you can try your luck by commenting on this post, as one of you has the chance to win a set of tickets (you+avec) for the evening!
I will draw the winner randomly a week before; Friday 24. So you still have time to plan your outfit and so on.
The competition is open to everyone everywhere - as long as you have the chance to be in said town at said night.
You can find out more about the event on it's FaceBook page.

The IBTC on stage earlier this summer (about the same time Dag was born :).
Pic by Tuula Ylikorpi.
PS.: you still have some time to enter the Years Since Yesterday giveaway!
The winner will be announced tomorrow night.
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