As promised, I will let you know how I made the apple blossom hair do!

It's good for that last day before you need to wash it, as it stays easily put that way.
First, let's take a look at it again, because as I said here just before, you can learn a lot just by looking at what it is you want to remake:
(You can click for a bigger view)
However, not everything is revealed here just by looking - which is the point of some hair do's, as is it with this one. My hair is now at the shortest it has ever been, which makes it hard for it to "stay put" when I try to fasten it. Pincurls have to be rolled in mini size in the back, too small to look good in an updo. My hair won't fit neatly around a rat, or stay in a ponytail without pinning it on the side. Depending on the day I might need extra pins for the shortest hairs in the neck, which ruins the sleek look of a roll or bun. Also, the roll turns out rather pjunig, tiny, since m hair is so short. Here's where the accessories come in handy - they can not only be used to enchant the 'do, but to cover up some of the extra work that needs to be done!
In general, a good tip for a easily achieved fancier-than-it-actually-is look that works for as well long and short hair, is to concentrate on your hair in the front and just gather the hair in the back and cover it with something nice.
This trick is good for you if you
a) have very short hair
b) are not skilled enough to do your hair in the back (as in, turns out uneven or messy - not good!)
c) have a lack of time
I do a lot of burlesque themed bachelorette workshops where I style the bride to be or the whole group, and this comes in handy then.
(Ehrm, btw: I'm available for such at the end of summer again. Just sayin'...)
In short, it works the following way:
1) style your hair fabulously in the front - rolled bangs, rolls, pincurls, the choice is yours.
If you suck at styling, try to learn at lest one thing that will work for you. You can do it!
2) make a quick and simple bun or chignon in the back and pin well for it to stay
3) cover the hair with lots and lots of decorations. Something simpler like a scarf or bow or one big flowers will be good for everyday wear, while more glittery and colourful flowers puts your head into party mode!
(Note: not that there's anything wrong with a sleek bun or so either, it can be very beautiful and elegant, but this was for when you are in a hurry and might not have the time to make it all that nice. Or if you were not capable to do it in the first place. Hehe.)

If your hair is super short, roll up or wave it in front and just pin all the rest together in the back and cover it with as many flower pins and -clips as you can fit! You can curl very short hair in the front nicely too, I have done it to ladies, so it's possible. If you can't manage anything, pin smoothly to the side and put in a flower there too. Ta-da, up do feeling achieved!
But now, back to the actual apple-blossom do, which pretty much follows the steps above and also gives a feeling of slightly longer hair.
The beginning is done like my very first hair tutorial (<- link); you start by parting your hair either in the middle or to the side. If you have bangs, let them hang in front or roll them in the way you prefer.

Take the hair in front from just above your ear and twist it half, or one way, around itself. If you have bangs that are long enough and want them away from your face you can grab them along. If your hair is very thin and/or slippery hair you can tease the hair a bit for volume and stay. Otherwise you can get it very big and high just with the help of the combs.

Secure the section with a comb, pushing it slightly forward for height. You should always twist the comb a bit and never stick it straight in, it won't stay put that way (unless it is just for decorative use and you stick it straight down in a chignon in the neck or so).. Put the comb in from above and then turn it the same way as your head, or, depending on your hair, you put it in sideways and give it a 180 degree turn. I use a shorter comb for the side of the smaller parting.

Take the hair behind your ear along the neckline and twist it in and upwards a couple of times, towards the middle of your neck.
Don't roll it all the way to the middle though, as then your shortest hairs will start falling out - I stop a little bit after the ear.

Secure with a firm bobbypin pushed inwards.
If you feel you need it, put another pin across the first one.

Next, we get to the rolling: grab the hair that's now gathered in the back and roll it upwards in a small roll. I use both hands in the beginning, and roll the hair around the index finger of one hand. You can let go with the other hand once the roll starts to be in place (well, obviously you also have to, unless you have a third hand available for pinning...)

Secure the roll from the side. I usually use one alligator clip per side, that I grab all hair from the the scalp and the roll with. You can also use two bobby pins per side. Carefully pull out the roll a little to cover the clips or the pins. Spray and sleek the roll with your hand from the neck upwards.
If you are having a slippery hair day, you might have to do this a couple of times to get it right. Teasing the hair a bit, or adding some spray can help. If your hair is a bit longer you can of course use a rat or a piece of tulle in this phase too.
If you have small loose hairs pin them carefully underneath the roll. Spray some more. You might also have to add a few pins to the top, if your hair is so short it keeps falling out. Just stick them in and spray, they'll be covered by your acessorie in the end...
...which actually comes now already, as we're pretty much done!

Take your chosen accessory and fasten it just above the roll. For this I would recommend flowers that are on pins or clips, not combs. Put in as many as you want. Done!

The roll can, although a bit small, still look nice un-covered too, those days it will stay easily together withouth too much extra pinning. For more a casual look I then do this one with a flat or sideways standing big pincurl in front, and a scarf around my head. The scarf stays well in place under the roll (and covers any extra pins in the neck). I pin the scarf with one pin on each side of the head for comfortable stay.
There you have it (quite a lot actually)!
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