All weekends the past month we've spent out at the farm. It's less than an hour from town so we've been there a lot after work on weekdays too.

Eddi has been working and I have, well, mostly been sleeping, but also attempted to do some house keeping and gardening. Some sort of gardening that is, as said, my nails are more red than my fingers are green.

I bought some plants for the porch.

And planted some more. This for example will turn into lavender. I planted some outside too.
The piece of glass from a broken window should work like a mini green house. I say should since it might just as well have fried the seeds...

So I bought a fully grown Lavender too, just in case.
Also; the one I planted will not bloom until next year anyway.

I've also made lots -and I mean lots- of cuttings from the pelargoniums. All the ones I had last year died.
I have great plans for these then once the house gets it's new floors and wallpapers and new paint on the windows. Whenever that'll be...

Then I had Eddi go all Strömsö (Finns know what I refer to...) and build me some boxes for planting. Or well, so far only one, although I have more seeds - the lettuce and spinach are waiting for the next box still.

There is a bigger spot for growing vegetables a bit further away that the relatives in the other houses around here use too, where I aim to plant some stuff (...let's see...carrots perhaps. If I can drag my behind across the road and just do it.) but just beneath the stairs we grow some herbs and strawberrries. I haven't planted those originally; it was all mess so I cleaned it up a bit and planted some more chive and parsley. In my own way. The bag says to put the seeds with so and so much space in between but I'm all "naah wtf, nature doesn't measure" and sprinkle it all a little here and there and so far it has turned out pretty good. Ehrm.

Juice break on the stairs. (I love enamel and coated tin cups. This set is fair trade and from Moonk.)
And here's my huge shadow in the grass.

Turns out it was too sunny on the porch for some of the flowers so I had to move them inside instead.
Where they look pretty nice too. The sofa is new in the room but I'll get back to that some other time.

I've also been cutting and cleaning up the lilac bushes outside the house, to fit a table and some garden chairs in between them. (Or, to reach the spot where said table and chairs will be without getting spiders in your hair and face from the branches hanging in the way. Uuuuh. ) I saved some of the branches with flower buds on them and took them inside.
Let's see if they will bloom or not.
Last but not least, here are some bonus pictures of baby lambs!

They'll be brought out today, to spend the whole summer outside in the green.
(And then come autumn it will be less nice for them. But that's another story. Want a happier ending for this post? Now I'm listening to The Skatalites and about to make some carrot bread and it's warm and sunny outside and no baby lambs will die today! )
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