As soon as the sun starts feeling warm during the day and the ice starts melting and dripping it's the urge for pastels and freshness in the wardrobe comes creeping (and also, that I should wash my windows. On the OUTSIDE, last year i went cheap and only did it on the inside. It's because they're three meters long and have to be lifted up, not just opened. FYI that should have been in capitol letters too but it would look too shoutish and ugly so just read it that way OK?). Well, now it's all cloudy and snowy and minus again. But it won't be long until it starts dripping and melting again. So yes, on can sprign it up a bit.
This skirt was the best thing I got in a while. Just a basic stretchy pull-on sort of pencil skirt, but in a material thick enough to pass as something of better quality I got it for less than 25 euros at Lindex when my tummy started pouting. Then, strangely enough it disappeared at work! I couldn't find it after one evening shift and had to go home (alright, drive) in plain tights. Not funny, it was cold. You see, a skirt is not the first thing you'd though would disappear from the dressing room in the harbour. A t-shirt perhaps to be mistaken for ones own, but not a tight skirt! As it hadn't been found the next morning either I panicked and got myself a new one on my way to the evening shift, and lucky for me it was on the mid season sale for only ten euros. Not that bad actually. Later one guy found it in his back pack; ha had mistaken it for his turtleneck sweater. So now I have two! I am letting the other one stretch out along with the poor skin on my stomach and saving the other for later. End of story.
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