I used to go and draw to all Dr.Sketchy events - you know, the so called "anti art school", drawing evenings usually with creative settings and in one way or another cabaret inspired models. Plus red wine and good music -  but during the past two years I have let my pencils rest. Haven't had the time really. In fact, Sketchy's in Helsinki was on hiatus for some time due to a lack of time from the organizers too, as it was run by the same team behind Helsinki Burlesque.

Last year however my fellow Itty-Bitty Tinker Bell and former Bitty Jackie O'Lantern took over as hostesses and organizers of the Helsinki events!

I missed out on the first evenings but modeled for the last one a couple of weeks ago. It was a very visual evening so I though I'd share some photos.

The theme was simply "art" and we posed as the primary colours. I'm so blue!

Art. Plus cabaret.

Arty girls; Fiona (wearing a self-made hat, of course) and Sktechy's  DJ Lola M.

Leila Halkeama, The Grand Artist-charcter talking about arty stuff for the crowd.


And here on paper (drawing by Janne Korsumäki).

Equals orange.

This makes purple.


Posing with results.

All photos by Tuomas Lairila, you can view the album here.

More info about Dr.Sktechy's in Finland can be found HERE, for those interested and up for it.


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