(Which in case you wonder would be Swedish and mean something like Art Deco for all the money; as in all the way. Koko rahalla. Which then again was Finnish for the same thing.)
I got myself a art deco brooch. It is from the same Chez vintage series you have seen somewhat a lot of before here; from my friend's vintage store Hoochie Mama Jane. I actually have a pair of matching earrings already.
Which I will wear next week for this Very Fancy family celebration thing in the House of Nobility, together with my early 1930's velvet evening gown. Ah, a chance to actually get to dress up... Love those.
(Let's just hope I'll get other chances to use the jewelry too... over all I have not been much of a jewelry wearer the past years, but that is slowly changing. I want bigger hair and more rings on my fingers, gold and glitter and the whole bling thing! Sort of.)
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