Even though I in general eat rather healthy I sometimes get this urge to go all pure and clean and super when it comes to food. Mostly it's back to it's normal self after a while, with some sad wrinkly dried goji berries in the back of the fridge. (they just weren't that good). Some time ago I went to pick up something totally different from the bookstore and came home with a bunch of book on raw food and such for myself instead. (Plus one on how to make better use of the kitchen and food and stop throwing things away or leaving them behind. In hope of no more sad forgotten super food berries in the back of the fridge...)

Although I'd love to do more avocado shakes and raw food cakes I wonder how the hell anybody can afford to keep such a diet? I bought breakfast inspired by raw food for a week for a ridiculous amount of money. The fancier kind of dried fruit, nuts and seeds and fresh berries cost a fortune... But it is quite yummy with ecological peanut butter and pear, almonds and fresh blueberreies, dried dates and a coconut smoothie for breakfast every now and then at least.
And In the true spirit of ying and yang, to balance things up, I had a bunch of Domino cookies (oreos) and instant noodles at work instead :)
A vegan coconut smoothie however is not that expensive or peculiar to make; I use some frozen berries, fruit juice and some coconut milk and blend it togheter. It's really good!
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