Until about now it has been pretty warm this fall. And I don't know how it's possible, but I have kind of felt I haven't had any suitable jackets to wear, even though it actually might (read: is) be that I have too many in-between-seasons jackets compared to the time we are able to wear those here. I wore my red little jacket to bits and pieces last year but for some reason this year I've skipped it. And the other ones too...

But instead of buying anything new I've been wearing scarves instead - it's so easy!

I just wrap the biggest one I have around me and tuck one end in from above and the other one in from underneath the wrap. Works well in winter over the jacket too.
And then you can go around looking all arty.

The other way to do it is just to take a scarf that is long enough and wear a mathcing cardi underneath, drop it a bit on the shoulders, wrap it around and fasten with a belt!

Ta-da, easy as that!
(My skirt is by
BooBoo Kitty, the black scarf old frmo H&M, checked scarf from Sokos last year, belt vintage and shoes from Melissa and the black-and-beige ones from Next.)
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