Been drinking pepper mint tea by the window after work, watching the rain. I get up a bit after five and the morning is dark already and feels cold, although the temperature is not that low. But when people downtown walk around in their t-shirts we in the harbour already wear beanies and scares, it is always colder by berth. I kept on waiting for that last promised heat wave that never came, and now the daily dose of rain has made me start changing into autumn mode. And it's all dark and stormy by now, the evening*.

Been dancing around a little practicing for mine and
Tin's new feather routine for our Storyville show tomorrow. I like performing at Storyville as it is rather prestigious to be there and the staff is really great.

Lulu is anxiously watching over everything I do. (Especially those feathers)
And now I'm listening to arias and chansons. Sans red wine this time though**.
Bizet ♥. I like opera.
Eddi is not so found of my faiblesse for arias but, it comes with this package.
*) That made me think of a drink at the Tiki bar; Dark and Stormy.
Tea in all it's glory but I wouldn't say no to a tropical cocktail by now
**) Although now that I mentioned it I might skip the tea and pour myself a glass...
(Really, how will a person like I ever manage to one day be pregnant. My work team and I once did "italian day" in the harbour -we sometimesdo stuff like that not for things to suck too much-, printed out checks on A4 to make a tabel cloht and had pasta and tiramisu for lunch. And alcohol free wine. Which is not good I tell you, not good at all. Damn.)
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