A high ponytail and striped shirt is a combination that not only has spring all over it, but also screams Capris! Ballerinas! Bicycling in the sunshine! French 60's pop! The last two I can fix but I do not own any capri pants nor ballerinas. Not sure about flats, but I would like a nice pair of cropped pants, only there are none to be found here and with my amount of derrière it gets a little risky relying on the internet to deliver.
Also, a nice way to pimp a basic striped tee (or just any basic shirt) is to add bait of lace to it, as a collar, or just as part of the blouse. While I let some people in the third world do the work for me on this one it should be pretty easy to do this little kind of revamping oneself.
The blouse is H&M and the bangs are not real, as you know.
EDIT: yes, the blouse is from H&M this season, the ecological cotton line. It however has an annoying zipper in the back but it's easily removed, in my opinion it serves no function (but then if you remove it you need to sew it together or add a little hook).
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