Biking trough the park into town is like biking trough a small piece of nature documentary each and every time; fasans strutting about, squirrels munching on cones (Eddi hates squirrels but I still find them pretty cute, although I know they eat bird babies) and lots of small little birdies whose names I learned in school but cannot recall anymore. Every single time I curse not bridging my camera along.
Last week however I happened to carry it and took some photos of the swan couple that has been haning around here lately.

I find the fact that swans are monogamous romantic, although I know that it's only nature and features of a species. A few summers back however we had a crazy killer swan hanging around our island in the archipelago, attacking others. There was also a lone mother and her swan baby. One day the male swan attacked the mother. We interfered with nature by driving the male swan away but then he returned and drowned the mother by keeping her head under water while the little baby swan went all peep-peep next to them. Nature is cruel, but I didn't know birds did that, whatever the reason was... and now I made everyone feel bad, myself at least, the story always makes me cry a little bit, while this post was meant to be more of a feelgood one.
Oh, ignore it, just think of the nice park and loving swans instead OK.
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