I have however tried it with improvements - the first time being last year. I was going to improve my manners of taking care of my paper work – organize my accounting, billing, bank and business papers weekly instead of once per the quarter– but that went horribly wrong. I actually became less organized than before. So this year I should probably give up on even trying in order not to fail again and feel all bad afterwards. (I didn't after last year's fail, which is probably a bit alarming. Or annoying. But I’m just born with this 'No Worries No Hurries' attitude towards these things and so far so good.)
Giving up in advance is however not the preppy spirit one is thought of to have around this time of year, ey? So if I would try it with a small restriction instead of an improvement this time? To stop buying things online all the time and instead save up for that mintgreen Smeg I have been babbling about for a very long time already, which I actually am going to get us this summer and put into a bigger kitchen! (Yey!)
That of course means that I will not for example buy this to-die-for jacket from Trashy Diva. No way.

So I have no intention of getting myself either one whatsoever, ahum, I am merely presenting it to you in case anyone is up for some spring jacket inspiration?
(Oh ♥)
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