I was going to write a bunch of stuff about Christmas colours and bla bla bla but I'll skip that, keep it clean and simple : this is what I was wearing today. Very inspired by the season, perfect for drinking
glögg. Dry enough, but too cold for the shoes though, as I got to notice later. (I went to my hairdresser today and she commented that I'm obviously not heading to
work afterwards :)

The dress is my fourth and last in the
series of
dresses to easily
dress up and down. (Notice how good I am at linking myself here today :P) It's also from Barbara Brown, the only one which did not fit perfectly without some slight altering:

I had to open and take in the seam in the waist a bit since it got strangely puffy there.It was a bit to loose around the shoulders so I added a satin ribbon in the back, tying it into a bow to avoid the dress slipping off. You know I like
fixing my dresses with ribbons.
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