This week it seems I will only be able to discuss the subject of the fact that I can't decide weather it's still summer or early autumn. (yey!)
Well anyway, it was rather chilly in the morning so I did a two-in-one by hiding my messy hair in my beret and saving my little ears from the nasty wind in the same time. You know I love my beret so I was a smoewhat happy to wear it again after its summer break. In the afternoon I fixed my locks and went to watch some dinosaur skeletons to the zoological museum and gladly put the beret on again. But by then it was hot as hell and my head started sweating and I felt stupid but the beret had already made my hair flat underneath so I couldn't take it off anymore. (=Vain welfare country problem.)
But after the skeletons (I just love the word skeleton. S k e l e t o n !) and dinner it was all chilly and fine again. End of story.
-I have a strange pose and the pic is blurry but you can't always have it all you know -
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