Last night was the weirdest in ages! You could've though it was full moon...
(Have to add that I have the best friends in the whole world btw)
I went out with Julien, K and the other K and Ina and my evening started out as a disaster - leaping out a bit to quick from the taxi when arriving to this terrace-party-thing we were going to the slit of my dress broke (crappy quality!) making it a bit longer than ment to be - it ended just where my bum begins and for every step I took I was mooning a bit more. I figured I had three options :
1) tear the dress up all the way and wear it as a nice apron / just take it off and be in my underwear the rest of the night, either calling it a modern burleqsue-inspired art performance or a bachelorette party
2) taxi home and change, and taxi back or
3)be a wallflower for the rest of the night (hell no!)
...neither of which were that tempting. At that moment I was quite happy to realize that K is always late and was that yesterday too, luckily still at home, so we called her and asked her to bring needle and thread. When she arrived we leaped into the bathroom and ten minutes later the problem was solved. It was quite funny actually now afterwards.
Well, the night might have been weird and all but at least I had a fancy hairdo. I've just found those youtube tutorials everyone's been referring to here and there and I was inspired a bit by this video. That girl has amazing hair and does great hair-do's so check her videos out!

It didn't even take me that long to do this hair, but it's maybe because I twirl my hair quite often in a similar style anyway.
(I should colour my roots and get some more light-coloured bobbypins btw. Well, now to meet some friends for Sunday drinks. Over and out).
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