Shoes - Blueberry
It was as warm as summer today! Time to take out the summer dresses! Instead of working as I should have I spent most of the day in the sunshine in the park togehter with Paula, her little dog Frank and the other K, drinking raspberry soda, having mango sherbet and smoking cigarettes (the cancer-girls, uh). Later I had a great wine-and dine evenig with a friend who had prepared a nice special veggie meal just for me:)
I was planning to make myslef a dress like this but saved myself the effort when I found this in the store I used to work in. I also bought a similar one with an apple-pattern. I feel a bit like Allice in wonderland in this dress. (Somtimes my part of town resembles some kinf of a wonderland. Both on good and bad. We were reminded of that today with some of the freaks in the park, with small episodes of harrasment, amusement and just plain action. But atleast it beats tv).

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