I always want to wear this shirt, this outfit specifically , with red shoes. I wish I had a pair of semi-high, red suede boots, preferrably from the sixties.

I'd also like to wear it with my red peeptoes. But it's too wet and cold for them now, so those'll just have to wait.

And once I'm at it - most of all I would like to wear the shirt and the red peeptoes together with a leather pencil skirt I did not buy at a thrift shop some years ago. I regret it now and I haven't found another one that fitted as well or looked as good.(I punished myself for that by buying a fake leather skirt that is too tight and too short for me for €4,90 from Gina Tricot's winter sale. I'm never going to wear it). But anyway, this would be a totaly different outfit already.

I'l get back to work now and listen to some good old Skatalites. Music quiz starts at eight, hope we rock it tonight.
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